Tips to Prevent a Warehouse Shelving Rack Collapse

Efficient operations should be the most prominent goal of a warehouse manager – and with good reason. Efficiency means more productivity, which ultimately means more revenue for your business. To optimize efficiency, warehouses must be well-organized. Warehouse shelving racks are a key component of any warehouse infrastructure and contribute greatly to a warehouse’s overall organization. Because these systems are closely connected, the collapse of one shelving unit or rack could result in the collapse of an entire row. This could pose major safety issues for your warehouse staff and may damage valuable equipment. Instead of accepting the risk of a potentially dangerous situation, take the following precautions in your warehouse to keep your staff safe, and save both time and money. Have Adequate Aisle Space Although it is important to maximize the space you have in your warehouse, it is equally as important to allow enough space for maneuvering machinery. In order to avoid ...